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Artist Hailey Lowe Fennell and I recorded our conversation from our favorite local nature spots for BurnAway.

BurnAway visits my studio.

ArtsATL Profile

ArtsATL Reviews Cardinal, curated by Rachel Reese and on view at Marcia Wood Gallery & Twin Kittens. Featuring works from my series Topophilia.

ArtSpeak featuring Daniel Bejar + Michael David Murphy with Jeremy Abernathy for Shadow Puppets: Traces of New Documentary Practices, curated by Jill Frank and Stephanie Dowda at the Ernest G. Welsh School Galleries

BurnAway Kristin Juarez interviews Guillermo Gudiño for Shadow Puppets: Traces of New Documentary Practices, curated by Jill Frank and Stephanie Dowda at the Ernest G. Welsh School Galleries

Lilly Lampe review on ArtsATL for Shadow Puppets: Traces of New Documentary Practices, curated by Jill Frank and Stephanie Dowda at the Ernest G. Welsh School Galleries

Creative Loafing story by Wyatt Williams for Shadow Puppets: Traces of New Documentary Practices, curated by Jill Frank and Stephanie Dowda at the Ernest G. Welsh School Galleries

Jerry Cullum reviews The Future Is Behind Us in
"Dowda’s title is itself an implicit amalgam: it might allude both to the fact that, while most of the world’s cultures see the future as stretching out ahead, at least one regards the future as behind us—because we can’t see it. This is also the unhappy position of the Angel of History in the well-known parable by Walter Benjamin: blown backward into the unseen future by a storm called Progress, the angel sees the past as a growing pile of ruins that lies beyond hope of rescue."

"It’s an excellent combination of concepts for an organization that is forever trying to rescue fragments of history endangered by neglect or by developers’ bulldozers."

Jerry Cullum reviews Echoes of the Sublime in
"Dowda has elucidated brilliantly the definitions and deformations of the notion of the sublime in a contemporary moment that is not particularly friendly to notions of finely wrought style, moral elevation, or reverence in the face of unspoiled nature." -Jerry Cullum

Felicia Feaster reviews Echoes of the Sublime for Creative Loafing.
"Echoes of the Sublime at Emily Amy Gallery is curated by Atlanta photographer Stephanie Dowda. The exhibition attempts to evoke the spirit of the sublime, a subject that's captured artists' and philosophers' imaginations for centuries. It is most often experienced when we contemplate the vast enormity of nature or a world beyond our control but marvelous in its scope." - Felicia Feaster

Kristin Juarez reviews Echoes of the Sublime for BurnAway!
"For Stephanie Dowda, Echoes of the Sublime is about risk. And she doesn’t mean the kind of risk associated with shock and awe, but rather that, in curating this exhibition at Emily Amy Gallery, she’s making an effort to push the boundaries of the photographers and subjects that are commonly presented in Atlanta. With an interest in artists whose images cannot be removed from how they are made, Dowda’s own curatorial process was deliberate and nuanced. Through both the chosen theme and her interest in the technicalities of image making, Dowda has attempted to create a show that unabashedly revels in exploration, contemplation, and expertise." -Kristin Juarez